We Bharat Tanks And Vessels LLP are exporter and manufacturer of Liquid Gas Tankers. The tanks are as per customer’s requirement.
The Liquid Gas Tankers are designed as per ASME Sec. VIII Div.1, ASME Sec. VIII Div.2 and BS 5500 codes, PD 5500, CODAP 2000 AND OTHERS. The tanks are provided with all accessories like safety fittings, valves, pipelines etc.
The Liquid Gas Tank are also available in 3 Types.
We manufactures the following types of LPG tanks:
• Horizontal Tank
• Vertical L Tank
1. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
We manufacture LPG Tanks used for industries purpose like cement industry, copper industry, ceramic industry, furnaces industry, fibreglass industry, food industry, automotive industry, glass industry, hospitals, petrochemicals , steel industries, hotels and other applications .
Liquefied Gas Tank
2. Co2 (Liquid Co2 Storage Tank )
Liquid Co2 Storage Tank provide intrinsically passive and safe environment and eradicates the possibility of liquid vaporization though handling CO2 liquid possesses various challenges, due to its inherent physical properties like high pressure and very low temperatures, modern state of art safety features is taken into consideration while designing the facilities using various international codes.
Liquid Storage Tank can be used for storage of various applications as follows:
• Welding
• Dry ice manufacturing
• Beverages
• Soft drinks
• Mining
• Transportation of frozen foods
• Blast cleaning
• Green house gas reduction and environment safety
Liquid Co2 Tank (Horizontal) Liquid CO2 Gas Tanks (Vertical)
We manufacture Liquid Carbon di oxide transport tanks of various capacities ranging from 7500 Liters to 35000 Liters. The unit comes with all safety features as per norms. The tanks are PUF insulated with Aluminium caldding. All accessories like safety fittings, valves, pipelines are also insulated.
4. Oxygen ( Liquid Oxygen Tank)
We manufacture Oxygen Gas tank of various capacities ranging from 500 Liters to 200000 Liters. The unit comes with all safety features as per norms. The tanks are double walled with inner stainless steel and outer carbon steel with annular space with perlite or super insulation and vaccum. The tanks are designed to store liquid to - 196 Deg C and provided with safety valves and bursting disc for additional safety .Evaporation loss in negligible due to high grade of vaccum. Horizontal as well as vertical types are available.
Liquid Oxygen Tank (Horizontal) Liquid Oxygen Gas Tank (Vertical)
Technical Specification :
Design Pressure: 17.16 Bar to 23 Bar
2. Design Temperature: -40 Deg C to + 65 Deg C
4. Volume (m: 0.5M3 to 1000M3)
Standard storage LPG tanks are equipped with the following fixtures:
• filling valve,
• intake valve of the gas phase,
• pressure gauge,
• maximum overflow valve,
• intake valve of the liquid phase,
• level sensor,
• safety valve(s).
We manufacture Pressure vessels with pressure ranging from 1Bar to 300 Bars and volume as per customers requirement for various gases like Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Argon, Gas mixtures, Various liquid and chemicals, Columns, Heat exchangers, Reactors, Boilers, Chimney, Silos, Dereator tanks, Lime stone filter tanks, Tanks for Desalination plants, Water treatment plants, Effulent treatment plants, Blow down tanks, Air receivers and other pressure vessels and equipments.
We manufacture Anhydrous Ammonia storage and transport tanks of various capacities ranging from 500 Liters to 500000 Liters. The unit comes with all safety features as per norms. The tanks are provided with all accessories like safety fittings, valves, pipelines, Excess flow valves, internal valves, are provided as per requirement.
We are one of the leading Pressure Vessel manufacturing companies existing since 1997. Pressure Vessels are manufactured to ASME Sec.VIII Div. 1 and 2, PD 5500 and other international codes.
We have in-house design department, which is capable of designing pressure vessels with international codes such as ASME, PD 5500, DIN.
We manufacture Surge tanks for Desalination plants, Water pipeline, Crude oil pipe lines and other applications. These tanks are Diagphram type or Air pressure type with compressor. Level instruments, butter fly valves, orifice plates, pipeline etc. are provided as required. Horizontal and vertical types are provided.
We manufacture tanks for water Desalination plants, Water pipeline, Filter tanks and other applications. These tanks are custom made as per customers requirement. Horizontal and vertical types are provided.
Near recent years, bulk storage of highly inflammable Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) was being done in above ground storage tanks (Horton Spheres). However some major fire / explosions underlined the need to review the design, procedure, maintenance, fire fighting and safety aspects of LPG handling. A safer option was introduced in the form of Mounded LPG Storage VESSELS since it provides intrinsically passive and safe environment and eliminates the possibility of BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion).
Mounded LPG VESSELS are large, buried, horizontal cylindrical steel tanks with Hemispherical dished ends of size ranging between 3.5 to 9.0 meter diameter and lengths of 25 to 70 meters or more. Mounded VESSELS allow storage of large quantities of LPG - up to 4,000 MT or more in a single location! The cover of the mound protects the vessel from fire engulfment, radiation from a fire in close proximity and acts of sabotage or vandalism. The area of land required to locate a mounded system is minimal compared to conventional storage.
Bharat Tanks And Vessels LLP is pioneer in construction of Mounded Storage Vessels for storage of LPG, Propane, Butane. This new design of Mounded Storage Vessels for L.P.G. represents a dramatic and totally unprecedented advancement in safety, as well as efficiency and economy, Cylindrical tanks are embedded in sand, encased within a masonry structure. Only inlet and outlet controls are exposed. Even in comparison to the Horton Spheres, Which till now had been the industry standard, Mounded Storage Vessels represent a radical advancement, and help to ensure that industrial gas fires would be a thing of the past.
Coating :- The external surface of the vessel is sand blasted to SA 2.5 and coated with epoxy primer and coal-tar epoxy-Coating for protection against corrosion .
11. Air Receiver :-
An air receiver is essential to every compressed air system to act as a buffer and a storage medium between the compressor and the consumption system. There are in principal two different air receivers in a compressed air system:
• PRIMARY receiver - located near the compressor, after the after-cooler but before filtration and drying equipment
• SECONDARY receivers - located close to points of larger intermittent air consumptions
Air receivers are tanks used for compressed air storage and are recommended to be in all compressed air systems. Using air receivers of unsound or questionable construction can be very dangerous. Therefore, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has developed a code regarding the construction of unfired pressure vessels, which has been incorporated into many federal, state, and local laws. This particular code is ASME Code Section VIII Division 1. Air receivers should always meet or exceed this code in addition to any other state, municipal, or insurance codes that may apply.
Air receivers safety fittings;
• safety valve
• Pressure Gauge
• Temperature Gauge
Types of Air Receivers;
• Horizontal Air Receiver Tank
• Vertical Air Receiver Tank
• Buffer Tank
• Air Spherical Tank
• Compressed Air Storage Vessel
12. Compressed Air Storage Vessels:
A stumbling block to increasing on electricity from cleaner energy sources such as solar panels and wind farms has always been figuring out how to efficiently store the energy for use when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining. Air storage tanks of compressed air for energy storage.
The idea of using compressed air to store energy is not new. Electricity from solar panels or wind turbines can turn a motor that's used to compress the air in a large tank, and the air pressure can then be converted into power to drive a generator when the power is needed. The problem is that during compression the air reaches temperatures of almost 1,000 ^0C. That means energy is lost in the form of heat, and storage in conventional steel vessels becomes impractical.
Compressed air storage vessels uses;
• Storage air
• Compressed air store
• Mobile engine testing facility
Liquid Gas Tankers, Manufacturer And Exporter From India At Cheap Cost |